Healing Hands Medical Clinic

Jacksonville , FL
Location Information

5126 Timuquana Road
Jacksonville , FL - 32210

904-777-4228 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below. Go To Website Go to Facebook
About Healing Hands Medical Clinic

Call for appointment information. Provides clinic care to the uninsured, the homeless, and the medically underserved people of Jacksonville. Part of the WE CARE Jacksonville non profit organization. Healing Hands is a free clinic that offers primary care medical services as well as emergency dental services for the uninsured in Duval County who meet financial criteria. All services are provided by volunteer Doctor's, Dentist's, Nurses, Hygienists and other medical and dental professionals. Both medical and dental services are by appointment only. To obtain an appointment, patients must complete a pre-qualification questionnaire and return with required documentation. Questionnaires can be found in the information box next to the front door of the clinic which is located at 5126 Timuquana Rd, Jacksonville.

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