Georgia Free Clinic Network

Atlanta, GA
Location Information

1015 Donald Lee Hollowell Parkway Suite 201
Atlanta, GA - 30018

678.553.4939 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below. Go To Website
About Georgia Free Clinic Network

Mission Statement: For many the access to quality healthcare like regular check-ups and exams, prenatal care, dental visits, health education and counseling all seem, though sometimes burdensome, a necessity to living a well balanced life. Too often however families must make a choice between the basics of food and shelter or preventive healthcare that could not only change their lives, but many times save them. The Good Samaritan Health Center exists to remove the burden of that decision from families, creating a place where they can receive the highest quality care without sacrificing the basic necessities of life. Good Sam serves individuals and families who have the least access to healthcare and are at the highest risk of having serious health issues remain undiagnosed and untreated. The Center offers medical, dental, health education, mental health, and social services. Patients pay on a reduced sliding fee scale based on income and household size with the remaining costs provided by donations. At The Good Samaritan Health Center, the entire family receives quality healthcare in an atmosphere of dignity and respect, regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion.

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